Have a "WOW" Gal Story to share?
(See Guide Below) Submit it Here
We wish Our Readers to Resonate & / Or Recognize a Mirror of a Part of Their Life or Someone They Know; To See Light At the End of the Tunnel WITHOUT actually being TOLD Or Given a List of Steps on How to.
To Learn from Example Therefore...
(No Article/Infomercial Type Stories Please... We are looking to share the journey...not just the happy ending)
Optional for Business Owners:
If you wish to promote your business on your feature page with your business card/book photos, etc. you need to become a WOW Gal Sponsor to do so.
Samples: Feature Pg Spons Pg1 Spons Pg2 Spons Pg3
Please include:
- your social media urls, website url, email address (If applicable)
- 2 photos one a good head shot and the other a fun shot.
- (If Joining Business Directory ONLY) Business Card & Or Product Jpegs to be added to Your Feature Page
- Write in First person unless Submitting Story for Another with Their Permission
- 600-1500 words telling one or more (we have many in a lifetime) of your times of rebirth.
- (2-5
paragraphs) about the experiences of struggle, illness, fighting addictions or anything
that challenged you during this "growth spurt" (Should be as indepth
as possible so that our readers can feel & relate to your experiences as
your own)
- (2-5
paragraphs) about realizations, changes of consciousness, people or circumstances,
etc, that helped you overcome the situation or detoured you from this path of
negativity, illness,etc. (should be almost as long as first part)
- (2-5
paragraphs) about where this rebirth has taken you, how it has changed your
life, where you are and what you are doing today because of it, etc.
Because WOW Gal Stories are featured generally as first come first serve and accepted as a Story our readers will identify with we cannot give you a definite date when it will be published.
If we do not receive all necessary info from a potential WOW Gal at least 3 months ahead, including revisions so that we can have your page set up, approved and ready to go then we move ahead with the next story that is ready to do.
We will however try to get your page ready for approval asap and then let you know the month before you will be featured. As we are now gaining momentum and receiving up to 10 WOW Gal Story submissions each month we may be slower in getting back to as quickly.
Business WOW Gals Who Join Our Directory Will Be Featured in Our Monthly Spotlight of Insights and may submit articles / Special Announcements for our Women of Worth Magazine Blog
NEXT WOW Gal Celebration Event 2021