Monthly WOW Insights from Our WOW Gals & Sponsors
Moving Love Story - Only Time Heals...
Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left... View Video...
Cold & Flu Season- Feng Shui Tips...
As we approach the cold, flu and COVID season, we can harmonize our diet and living spaces with the elemental forces around us, strengthen our immunity, and create an environment that supports our well-being... Read More...
Four home decor trends for fall that are more than just pumpkins...
The season of pumpkin spice is once again upon us, and so are fall decorating traditions. For many of us, the transition from summer to fall is a nostalgic time to break out the spooky decor, unpack the turkey-themed table runner and adorn the front door with our favourite fall wreath. But, if dressing up the house with orange pumpkins and burlap year after year is getting a bit stale over time, there’s no harm in shaking up your fall decorating choices this season. Here are four new 2023 fall decor trends you can try in your home (sans pumpkins):. Read More...
Hand Reflexology: A Boost of Electrical Energy...
Being fully awakened is ultimately achieved through heart-centered living, and is our natural state.
Hand reflexology is a sensational, dynamic, yet simple approach to glowing health. It requires no expense, no special equipment, no drugs, and no medication. Read More...
The Importance of Finding Your Soul-Driven “Why”
When you were a child you constantly asked why. You drove your parents crazy with your rententless “why” questions. Listen here...
Beliefs are thoughts that we don’t question anymore...
“What if for every thought that you have, or had, you could create a whole new story about it, and therefore, change you whole belief system?" Read More...
Shared by WOW Gal Suzanne Letourneau's Blog Is Suffering Necessary?
According to Eckhart Tolle in his book, “Stillness Speaks,” he poses the question:
“Is suffering necessary? Yes and no. If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility or compassion. Suffering cracks open the shell of ego and then comes to a point when it has served its purpose. Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.” Read More...
The Safe Use of Plant Medicine (in a Guided Ceremony)
All plant medicine journeys are a sacred experience and one that I absolutely believe needs to be treated with respect, loving guidance and most importantly, done with your safety in mind. Read More...
To See or NOT to SEE… Attracting the Same Type of Issues & People
This Insightful Article is about the Puppeteers and Troublesome Circumstances we continuously tend to attract into our lives. Read More...
My Life Through Cookbooks
We loved this short & sweet yet fun and insightful video about the experience of decluttering all those cookbooks we have collected over the years. Any woman can relate to it and hopefully will then take a look at their own personal cookbook journey and experience memories of times gone by too. View it Now...
When Stress and Anger Affect Your Business
We recognize that anger is an emotion that is part of the human construct. It will not go away, and it is not something that should be ‘managed' Read More...
Procrastination – Beating the Laziness Factor!
“I need help to beat my laziness,” said my client. “I spent all weekend responding to comments on Facebook,” she said, “and it was the one weekend when I should have done my school project. And now I’m upset, there is no way to make up for the lost time. The weekend is over, and the project is due.” Read More...