The Angels of The Light write: "There are NINE LEVELS to achieve there on earth. Movement through these illuminating steps secures the Soul growth intentions anticipated." Observe the first five levels of growth: These levels relate to the first big steps into the journey taken on. WHAT LEVEL ARE YOU OCCUPYING? Read More to find out...
Borage has a long list of health benefits but the main ones are supporting the adrenal glandsand providing a good source of essential fatty acids. It contains high levels of GLA (gamma linolenic acid). It also has anti-inflammatory properties. And YOU can grow your own...Read More...
Emotional abuse can be difficult to identify. Take the 50 Shades of Abuse quiz to help you decide whether emotional abuse may exist in your relationship. Find out more...
What does it mean to find Your Voice, Your Message?Finding your true message might seem quite difficult for some and easier for others. It depends on many factors.These factors could take you back as far as your childhood, the country your were born in, the culture you were raised within, your innate temperament, single child versus multiple siblings, etc..Find Out More...
Foods For Reversing Aging... Considering food as information, the healthiest foods are the ones that have Phytochemicals (chemicals that have light). Phytochemicals are
present in the following food groups: Find Out More...
"The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." What is Matrix Reimprinting and how can it help YOU be a Happier, Healthier YOU? Find Out More...
Let your strengths grow like weeds: What if we allowed ourselves to be the way we are? And to let our strengths simply grow like weeds? What if we just let the strengths grow and overtake our weaknesses instead. Doesn't that sound so much easier? Can't we view this way of ease as closer to the way of nature? Weeds are plants that grow with much ease, without much effort or attention. It is simply the way they are. Read More...
Knowing Your Human Design Strategy for Life can be more freeing than you ever imagined. Nowhere can you access a free chart and all the tutorials you can absorb to find out more about YOU! Learn YOUR Special Approach to Life!
Not only does the holiday makes all of us more mindful of our blessings,
it also gives us ample opportunity to interact with others and the chance to
observe, learn from and appreciate one another and ourselves. To be sure, I wasn’t always a grateful person – especially during the holidays. I suffered greatly from insecurity and I was always...Read More...
Celebrate Your Invisible Wealth! Your money in abundance is already here. Right next to you. It's just invisible. You just can't see it or access it yet! It 'lives' in a different frequency than you. Just like a radio, you are at one frequency, tuned into that number and the money is at another frequency tuned into another number. Both are in the same radio, both are riding the same airwaves, both are in the same room, but when you are tuned into your normal frequency, you can't hear the "money music" that is up the dial! But it's there!
How Spirit Communicates. It's common to miss loved ones who have passed on at this time of year. Wouldn't it be wonderful to know they ARE there with you? How would you know? View this video to find out the many ways they could be trying to let you know. View Video