Monthly WOW Insights from Our WOW Gals & Sponsors
“WHOO-HOO – ING,” in The New Year, with a SMILE!
Move over misery. “haha” Happiness may love company even more. Read More...
A perfect marriage between the past and the future
I love watching heritage pieces transform into something different, something modern. The resulting artifact is so whimsical and beautiful to look at, like a perfect marriage between the past and the future.
The fact that it’s the “green” thing to do, is just a plus point. Instead of disposing of a piece, when you recycle it to something else, not only are you making it that much more special, but you’re making mama Earth happy as well! Read More...
God is on the Bathroom Floor... (Keep the tissues close by for this post)
As death comes closer and closer for her... Jane shares one of her authentic experience with us. Read More...
10 Tips to help keep your home organized when kids are out of school...
Putting some planning into the time when your children are out of school will make life at home easier. Read More...
Angels... What is your task with us on earth?
"We are to answer here … We are assigned the task of assistance and guidance in all areas of your life. Read More...
How to Break Out of the Vicious Cycle...
Are you repeating the same damn thing over and over? Do you have a terrible, weird, annoying situation constantly repeating? You keep changing jobs, relationships, places to live, only to notice that you again have the same problem? Read More...
Open Your Energy Guided Meditations
Get to that place where you can just REST, BE or even gently fall asleep if needed with any of these 5+ FREE meditations. View Here...
How to Make a KILLER Self-Tape on a Budget.
Even before the pandemic hit, more and more casting directors have been asking for self-tape auditions. This video with Krystina Alabado shares what equipment to snag, where to place your reader, how to angle your shot, and more to help you make a KILLER self-tape on your budget. View Video...
What is in a Birthday?
Your Birth-Day is the day, when you have decided to separate from the rest of the universe, to make it on your own.
How to Raise Your Vibration Physically?