Quick Fixes don't work with grief: We have become a nation of quick-fix artists, hoping against hope that “five easy steps” or “seven simple strategies” can repair the damage caused when a death or a divorce... Read More
Don’t let things or people distract you into procrastinating: You wake up in the morning motivated and ready to tackle whatever it is you’ve been procrastinating on. Or maybe you’re excited about a new project. You drink your coffee, get dressed, and get ready to get to work. Then something happens. Read More
Setting up a connections with Your AngelsWith so much going on today that is "up in the air" and seemingly out of our control...it helps to know we can connect with those in "Higher Places" (No, not talking about politicians). Listen Now...
Step Out of It!Sometimes I get caught up in what is. I get sad, or angry, or frustrated, because I am expecting things to be different than what they are. What I’ve learned, over and over again is. Read More...
Where Do We Go From Here?Insights and methods and solutions to cultivate our Inner world so we can live a better, simpler, healthier and more harmonic way with each other and the planet. View Video
Forgiving others is unnecessary when you don’t take things personally in the first place.Forgiveness is the result of taking things personally, as blame and judgment take on a vicious cycle. The universe fulfills this belief as you draw more of what you believe to you, and then you promote it by projecting it onto others. This becomes a way of life. Read More
No more nice days!What? What do you mean no more nice days? What I mean is, that now is the time to turn off the automatic pilot completely, when you wish someone a nice day. You don’t even think about what you are wishing, anyway. It has become mechanical Read More
The Law of The Garbage Truck:Next time a car pulls out in front of you, or cuts you off, before you respond think about the 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.'Read More
“The Power of a Smile”: When we make facial expressions, we’re essentially transmitting a packet of information that can be received, read and interpreted by others. Read More
My favourite time management technique: To know when I will have a WiFi connection and when I won’t. Yes, there are still times and places when I can’t get WiFi. Use data? Not me. For those time I plan to have work with me to do when I am unconnected. You might think, “when does that ever happen”, more often than you think: Read More
How Season Changes Can Affect Your Sleep And What To Do About It: If you have been feeling a little groggy since the recent time change you are not alone! Have you noticed that even with the slightest of sleep deprivation that your reaction times are slower and you’re less able to handle tasks that require concentration?. Read More